Trisha Santarius (Holmes)

​Photography: Amy Nguyen Photos

I’m a creative problem solver, strategic thinker, communicator, explorer, leader, listener, learner, visualizer and adaptor. But most of all?

I’m a bubbly, savvy graphic designer with a work ethic driven by passion, positivity and precision.

In other words, I throw myself wholeheartedly into everything I do because I’m driven to create meaningful work and relationships each and every day. For me, it's all about effectively communicating with the right audience because smart design thinking is powerful.

When I’m not designing, I enjoy spending time with my husband and our Jacey pup, laughing with family and friends, doing house projects, etc. I’m obsessed with coffee, wine, music, playing piano, movies, anything Reese's or cookie dough, traveling, to-do lists, singing in my car, and just taking a minute to stop and enjoy the beauty in life!

Motto: Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.


And I can't help but share one of my favorite projects — designing everything for our wedding 💕